Wednesday, October 12, 2011

W.T.F Link

Hey another video! Linking up wit WTF
They wanna know
1) You've just won the complete DVD collection of all the movies starring one actor or actress. Which actor/actress would you pick?

2) What are some of the oddest song lyrics you've ever heard?

3) Today (Oct. 12) is "International Moment of Frustration Scream Day." What is one of the most frustrating things you've had to deal with lately?

4) Mad Men, one of the most popular TV shows in the U.S., focuses on the advertising industry in the 1960's. What do you think of the advertising industry today?

5) Today is also "National Bring Teddy Bear to Work Day." Do you remember ever having a special teddy bear that meant a lot to you? If so, tell me about the bear.

6) Actor George Clooney recently told People Magazine that he doesn't use Twitter "because I will drink in the evening and I don't want anything that I could possibly write at midnight to actually end my career." What is something you've said through social media and then regretted it?

7) "Sesame Street" recently got a new puppet — at least for one night. The show introduced a new puppet character named Lily for a special that talked to children about poverty and hunger. If you could create your own puppet, what would it be named and how would it look?

8) October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it seems like there are pink products everywhere. Some activists are angry at the business selling these pink products because they are using the cause to make a huge profit. Do you think companies are over-doing the pink products or do you feel that it's okay because it's helping raise awareness?
Here are my answers:


  1. Answering the questions in a video is an awesome way to do a meme!

  2. You don't live next to Drew Barrymore? Who knew?
